Twitter: Ad Format Creation Flows


Lead Product Designer — Myself
3 Product Designers, 1 Design Intern
Content Designer
Design Researcher
3 Product Managers
Full-stack Engineering Team

June 2022 - November 2022

A collection of new format creation flows designed in collaboration with Ad Format designers.

I mentored and closely partnered with a design intern and two designers of the following formats. As the Creatives domain expert, I led the high level direction, provided the foundational flow (seeTwitter: Unified Ad Creation), and approved design decisions.
Early exploration of Interactive Text creation from the Advertiser Experience Vision, which served as a starting point for the following work.
01 + 02
Interactive Text + Conversation Card

Interactive Text and Conversation Card are two formats with the goal of encouraging greater engagement and interaction from users through a new way to interact with ad text.

Interactive Text Ad
Conversation Card Ad

Both formats incorporate a highlighted text call-to-action, which can add the same new component to the process of creating ads: the capability to highlight text and link it to an action.

In the case of Interactive Text, tapping on the highlighted text drives users to a website destination chosen by the advertiser. For Conversation Cards, it leads users to create a new Quote Tweet.

Here, we had an opportunity to tackle the creation flow for both formats at once and ensure consistency while introducing a new text highlight element.

Baseline ad creation flow with a new option to add text highlights.
Advertisers can select between Link Text Highlight (Interactive Text) or Tweet #Hashtag Highlight (Conversation Card).
Interactive Text Creation Flow
Conversation Card Creation Flow

In both flows, a new "Text Highlights" field is prompted after an advertiser adds their first highlight, where they can give Twitter additional metadata for the action associated with the highlight type.

Advertisers are then guided with validation in the rest of the flow to ensure they can only build a valid ad for the format chosen. As each format evolves to support more robust combinations of metadata/ad components in the future, this experience can easily scale to enable additional choices.

As of Q3 2022, engineering is underway to implement a more tightly scoped version of these designs for Interactive Text ad creation.

Interactive (Playable) Ad

Interactive ads are HTML5 playable ads with interactable media that engage and drive users to a website or an app destination.

Interactive Ad on the timeline
Playable loading state
Full screen playable

In order to enable the creation of this ad for GA in Q1 2023, we needed to account for two user workflows: vendor and advertiser.

The objectives of the vendor workflow were to enable vendors to upload HTML5 interactive ads and to monitor the progress of security reviews.

To achieve this, I looked into the possibility of incorporating playables as a new type of media in the Media Library, where advertisers already manage their creative assets such as images and videos. This would eliminate the need to create a separate hub for managing playables and would allow vendors to manage their assets in the same location where advertisers already do.

Vendors can upload playables for review in the Media Library.
Once approved, the playable becomes available to use for ad creation.

By doing this, we also wouldn't need to introduce an additional process for selecting playables within the ad creation flow. Instead, advertisers would have the option to choose playables from the existing media selection flow, which already allows them to access media from the Media Library.

Advertisers can select the approved playable during ad creation.

I represented Design in multiple discussions with engineering teams to advocate for this solution of introducing playable as a new type of media in the Media Library. I successfully gained support, and we committed to this solution.

As of Q4 2022, the design for this experience was completed and awaiting implementation.